Editing Par Excellence


"All along the life journey, God, our Reservoir of Peace, places guides in our lives at just the right time to assist us on the way as we live our mission. Several such people helped me with this book; to them I express my deepest thanks and sincerest appreciation: Barbara Cronie for her insightful and invaluable editorial guidance..."

Treasuring the Treasure: Exploring Spirituality
By Monsignor Ronald N. Beshara, STL, JCL

"Barbara Cronie is a professional editor and one of the best. She helped me find my voice while writing my nonfiction manuscript. Her skill, expertise, and integrity led to the successful writing of my book. I am thankful for all of her comments, suggestions and corrections as well as her help and knowledge. While working with Barbara, I did not feel discouraged at all. In fact, I looked forward to every day of the work and saw my book grow into form and finish."

Psychic Attack-- Are You a Victim?
By Elizabeth Joyce

Reasonable Rates:

Copyediting................................... $3 per double- spaced page
Heavy Rewrite ............................. estimate given for number of pages
Manuscript Development .......... estimate given for number of pages
Hourly Charges:
Critique of Manuscript.............. $25 per hour reading rate
Editorial Advice by phone......... $25- $50
Publishing Consulting................ $50- $100
Manuscript Typing..................... priced by page


       NYC                                           FLORIDA

Email: Barbara@Editingparexcellence.com

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